2021-05-31 - Crabby with Salt

^z 24th June 2023 at 8:15pm

~5.1 mi @ ~16.9 min/mi

"Do Not Enter!" beckons the yellow barrier for Rock Creek Trail's tunnel under Connecticut Ave. On a sunny Monday afternoon there's only a little residual mud, not like past flood aftermaths there (2004-12-23 - Burgundybow Flood, 2005-01-14 - Mud Wallow, etc.). After a brisk ~11.5 min first mile and a loop inside the Beltway it's time to meet 🦀 at her home for a long-overdue neighborhood walkabout and reconnection-conversation. (🧂, her better half, joins for the first half mile.)

(trackfile) - ^z - 2021-07-01